First Name Family Name Birthday Mobile Email Nationality Country of residence Institute Position Master/Bachelor student PhD student PostDoc other Other Position Research interest Motivation letter (please write here why you are interested to attend this training school, what you expect and what you would like to learn) Abstract (please write here a brief abstract of your actual research, that you will be invited to present during the school)Do you request the EGU grant? No Yes Please specify the registration type Simple registration 380€ B&B + registration 620€ Half board (lunch) + registration 670€ Full board + registration 800€ The prices can be lowered if you accept to share the room (you can ask us to share it with some friend or we will try to find someone accepting the same conditions) All the lunches will be served in a restaurant 100m away from the venue The dinners will be organized each night in a different restaurant with local dishes The social dinner is included just into the Full Board registration fee, in all the other cases it must be paid in situ (price 22€) If you want you can book just the B&B and then decide day by day if you wanna participate to the lunch or dinnerHow did you know about the school Facebook Friend/Colleague Google LinkedIn Mail from my institute Mailing list Other Please specify the name of the mailing list Please write here the way you knew about the school Registration Fee 300€ Please upload your updated CV Powered by ChronoForms -